
Are you B12 deficient?

Do you suffer from depression, anxiety or low mood? Are you forgetful? Have low energy? Do you have compromised gut function? Autoimmunity? Infertility? Poor balance?

If so, it’s worth looking into your B12 levels!

B12 is an essential vitamin that ensures that your body is running with a full ‘tank of petrol’. Many pathways in the body rely on this essential B vitamin; energy production, detoxification, nerve tissue health, brain function, and the production of red blood cells.

The most bio-available sources of B12 are: beef liver, grass-fed meat, and pasture raised eggs.

If you require supplemental B12, food based supplements are the safest way to go. These will not cause any further imbalances in the body like synthetic supplements do.

In some cases, the root cause of B12 is more than just a diet that is low in this vitamin (eg. a vegetarian diet). It could be related to poor gut function, extreme stress, toxicity, pregnancy, postpartum, medication use or genetic polymorphisms.

Finding and addressing the root cause, will ensure optimal health for your future. A quick band aid fix is not the answer! Long term health is the ultimate goal isn’t it….

At Nourishing Me we can help you!