“I discovered that when I believed my thoughts I suffered. But when I didn’t believe them I didn’t suffer.” Byron Katie
My mind used to rule my life and as a result I was stricken with worry and self-doubt on a daily basis. It wasn’t until I uncovered the unconscious aspect of my personality, that I really broke free. From the moment
Yawn Away Your Stress
Neuroscience now shows that even if we are slightly stressed, our brains ability to function optimally is significantly reduced. We have an impaired ability to take in new information. This has been proven right down to the neuron level. So often
“I am never upset for the reason I think.” Helen Schucman
Neuroscience now reveals that the events that happen in our life don’t happen to us. What? Instead it’s been clarified that our inner program (belief system) of our mind, is instead projected onto the events around us. This is what
How Is Fear Depleting Your Health?
The human body is made up of around 50 trillion cells. These cells, clumped together, are basically your physical human entity. The fate and health of these cells are NOT controlled by your genes. Genes only account for a tiny